TLS was last updated
on March 27, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 03/26/2024)
Section - Texas
Area - Houston
League - 2023 HTA Spring NA - Mens Doubles Thursday
Flight - 3.5 Men's Doubles
Subflight - I
Memorial Club Townhomes - Warriors
League Record: 7 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Cesare Castagnoli - 3.54
Jason Gustafson - 3.37
Julian Vela - 3.35
Jaime Guzman - 3.34
Jose Tapia - 3.31
Adama Traore - 3.31
Priten Patel - 3.30
Jose Mendoza - 3.30
Kevin Pehlman - 3.29
Diego Orellana - 3.29
Chuck Buehler - 3.19
Supriyo Chowdhury - 3.17
Rick Cannon - 3.16
Oscar Herdocia - 3.12
Juan Hiedra - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Adama Traore - 3.31 & Jose Tapia - 3.31 0 - 1
Adama Traore - 3.31 & Jason Gustafson - 3.37 1 - 0
Adama Traore - 3.31 & Diego Orellana - 3.29 1 - 0 1 - 0
Priten Patel - 3.30 & Supriyo Chowdhury - 3.17 1 - 0
Priten Patel - 3.30 & ERIK ROUSSEL - 3.26 1 - 0
Priten Patel - 3.30 & Juan Hiedra - n/a 0 - 1
Jaime Guzman - 3.34 & Julian Vela - 3.35 0 - 1
Jaime Guzman - 3.34 & Cesare Castagnoli - 3.54 3 - 0
Jaime Guzman - 3.34 & Diego Orellana - 3.29 2 - 0 1 - 0
Julian Vela - 3.35 & Cesare Castagnoli - 3.54 1 - 1
Julian Vela - 3.35 & Jason Gustafson - 3.37 1 - 1
Chuck Buehler - 3.19 & Juan Hiedra - n/a 2 - 0
Chuck Buehler - 3.19 & Oscar Herdocia - 3.12 1 - 0
Jose Tapia - 3.31 & Kevin Pehlman - 3.29 1 - 0
Supriyo Chowdhury - 3.17 & ERIK ROUSSEL - 3.26 1 - 0
Jason Gustafson - 3.37 & Kevin Pehlman - 3.29 1 - 0 1 - 1 1 - 0
Jason Gustafson - 3.37 & ERIK ROUSSEL - 3.26 1 - 0
Rick Cannon - 3.16 & Chuck Buehler - 3.19 0 - 1
Rick Cannon - 3.16 & Jose Tapia - 3.31 2 - 0
Rick Cannon - 3.16 & Supriyo Chowdhury - 3.17 0 - 1
Jose Mendoza - 3.30 & Jose Tapia - 3.31 1 - 1 2 - 0
Jose Mendoza - 3.30 & ERIK ROUSSEL - 3.26 1 - 0
MPTC - Tennisquilla
League Record: 0 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Zack Wilson - 3.23
Carlos Magenties - 3.16
Stuart Summerfield - 3.14
Alex Lu - 3.05
Thomas Schlosser - 3.04
Zafer Ercan - 3.03
Liangliang Zhang - 3.00
Stephen Milton - 2.98
Joshua Kinninger - 2.91
Carlos Quincha-Vergara - 2.90
Sergio Quincha - 2.85
Anuj Gupta - 2.79
Nicolas Bustamante - 2.74
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Alex Lu - 3.05 & ODIVAL YANAGUIBASHI - 3.15 1 - 0
Alex Lu - 3.05 & Liangliang Zhang - 3.00 0 - 3
Alex Lu - 3.05 & Sergio Quincha - 2.85 0 - 1
Alex Lu - 3.05 & Anuj Gupta - 2.79 0 - 1
Zack Wilson - 3.23 & ODIVAL YANAGUIBASHI - 3.15 0 - 1
Zack Wilson - 3.23 & Carlos Quincha-Vergara - 2.90 1 - 0
Zack Wilson - 3.23 & Stephen Milton - 2.98 0 - 1
ODIVAL YANAGUIBASHI - 3.15 & Sergio Quincha - 2.85 0 - 1
Nicolas Bustamante - 2.74 & Sergio Quincha - 2.85 0 - 1
Nicolas Bustamante - 2.74 & Carlos Quincha-Vergara - 2.90 0 - 1
Liangliang Zhang - 3.00 & Carlos Quincha-Vergara - 2.90 0 - 1
Thomas Schlosser - 3.04 & Anuj Gupta - 2.79 0 - 2
Thomas Schlosser - 3.04 & Joshua Kinninger - 2.91 0 - 1
Thomas Schlosser - 3.04 & Stephen Milton - 2.98 1 - 0
Zafer Ercan - 3.03 & Sergio Quincha - 2.85 0 - 1
Sergio Quincha - 2.85 & Carlos Quincha-Vergara - 2.90 0 - 1
Sergio Quincha - 2.85 & Stephen Milton - 2.98 0 - 1
Joshua Kinninger - 2.91 & Stephen Milton - 2.98 0 - 1
Stuart Summerfield - 3.14 & Zack Wilson - 3.23 1 - 1
Stuart Summerfield - 3.14 & ODIVAL YANAGUIBASHI - 3.15 0 - 1
Stuart Summerfield - 3.14 & Carlos Magenties - 3.16 0 - 2
Stuart Summerfield - 3.14 & Anuj Gupta - 2.79 0 - 1
Stuart Summerfield - 3.14 & Stephen Milton - 2.98 0 - 1
MPTC - Relics
League Record: 7 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Adam Levinson - 3.52
John Henley - 3.44
Carlos Ortiz - 3.42
Matt Bobart - 3.41
Jose Romero - 3.39
Christian Carlberg - 3.27
Korwynn Wagstaff - 3.19
Dan Sullivan - 3.17
Nathan Overstreet - 3.09
Kaled Kandil - 3.09
Ib Khan - 2.99
Scott Greenwood - 2.98
Ted Hunt - 2.94
David Vining - 2.89
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
David Vining - 2.89 & Ted Hunt - 2.94 0 - 1
David Vining - 2.89 & Ib Khan - 2.99 0 - 1
Korwynn Wagstaff - 3.19 & Ib Khan - 2.99 1 - 1
Carlos Ortiz - 3.42 & Christian Carlberg - 3.27 1 - 0
Carlos Ortiz - 3.42 & Matt Bobart - 3.41 2 - 0
Carlos Ortiz - 3.42 & Adam Levinson - 3.52 1 - 0
Carlos Ortiz - 3.42 & Jose Romero - 3.39 2 - 0
Carlos Ortiz - 3.42 & John Henley - 3.44 1 - 1
Christian Carlberg - 3.27 & Nathan Overstreet - 3.09 1 - 0
Christian Carlberg - 3.27 & Jose Romero - 3.39 1 - 0
Matt Bobart - 3.41 & Adam Levinson - 3.52 1 - 0
Matt Bobart - 3.41 & Kaled Kandil - 3.09 2 - 0
Matt Bobart - 3.41 & Jose Romero - 3.39 1 - 0
Matt Bobart - 3.41 & John Henley - 3.44 1 - 0
Ted Hunt - 2.94 & Nathan Overstreet - 3.09 0 - 1
Ted Hunt - 2.94 & Dan Sullivan - 3.17 1 - 0
Scott Greenwood - 2.98 & Nathan Overstreet - 3.09 0 - 1
Scott Greenwood - 2.98 & Jose Romero - 3.39 0 - 1
Scott Greenwood - 2.98 & Ib Khan - 2.99 0 - 1
Nathan Overstreet - 3.09 & Kaled Kandil - 3.09 1 - 0
Nathan Overstreet - 3.09 & Jose Romero - 3.39 1 - 0
Nathan Overstreet - 3.09 & Dan Sullivan - 3.17 0 - 1
Adam Levinson - 3.52 & John Henley - 3.44 4 - 1
Kaled Kandil - 3.09 & Jose Romero - 3.39 1 - 1
Jose Romero - 3.39 & Dan Sullivan - 3.17 1 - 0
Dan Sullivan - 3.17 & Ib Khan - 2.99 0 - 1
LLTC - Zealots
League Record: 7 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
jimmy love - 3.44
Anurag Srivastava - 3.43
Utpal Deole - 3.38
Richard Tam - 3.31
Jeffrey Van Liew - 3.28
Flavio Suguimitzu - 3.28
Milton Brown - 3.26
Lyndon Zvonek - 3.21
Edward Tello - 3.18
Alfred Vigil - 3.17
Jeffrey Chang - 3.09
Steven Briggs - 3.04
Paulo Medrano - 2.94
William Beaujon - 2.75
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Steven Briggs - 3.04 & Edward Tello - 3.18 0 - 1 1 - 0
Steven Briggs - 3.04 & Paulo Medrano - 2.94 0 - 1
Steven Briggs - 3.04 & Jeffrey Chang - 3.09 0 - 1
Milton Brown - 3.26 & Anurag Srivastava - 3.43 0 - 1
Milton Brown - 3.26 & Lyndon Zvonek - 3.21 1 - 0
Milton Brown - 3.26 & Alfred Vigil - 3.17 0 - 1 3 - 0
Milton Brown - 3.26 & jimmy love - 3.44 2 - 1
Milton Brown - 3.26 & Jeffrey Chang - 3.09 1 - 0
William Beaujon - 2.75 & Edward Tello - 3.18 1 - 0
Richard Tam - 3.31 & Anurag Srivastava - 3.43 1 - 0
Richard Tam - 3.31 & Lyndon Zvonek - 3.21 1 - 0 0 - 1
Richard Tam - 3.31 & Jeffrey Van Liew - 3.28 1 - 0
Richard Tam - 3.31 & Alfred Vigil - 3.17 1 - 1
Richard Tam - 3.31 & Edward Tello - 3.18 1 - 0
Flavio Suguimitzu - 3.28 & Utpal Deole - 3.38 0 - 1
Utpal Deole - 3.38 & Jeffrey Van Liew - 3.28 3 - 1
Utpal Deole - 3.38 & jimmy love - 3.44 1 - 0
Lyndon Zvonek - 3.21 & Jeffrey Van Liew - 3.28 1 - 0 1 - 0 1 - 0
Lyndon Zvonek - 3.21 & Edward Tello - 3.18 0 - 1
Jeffrey Van Liew - 3.28 & Alfred Vigil - 3.17 1 - 0
Alfred Vigil - 3.17 & Jeffrey Chang - 3.09 0 - 1 1 - 0
Edward Tello - 3.18 & Paulo Medrano - 2.94 1 - 0
Edward Tello - 3.18 & jimmy love - 3.44 1 - 0
Edward Tello - 3.18 & Jeffrey Chang - 3.09 1 - 0
League Record: 2 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Tian Xia - 3.30
Yi Lu - 3.29
HAO GAO - 3.29
Huan Zhao - 3.10
Zehan Li - 3.07
xi ye - 3.06
GAN SHEN - 3.05
Bingrui Li - 3.00
Jiasen He - 2.96
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
Yi Lu - 3.29 & Tian Xia - 3.30 1 - 1
Yi Lu - 3.29 & Zehan Li - 3.07 1 - 1
Yi Lu - 3.29 & Jiasen He - 2.96 1 - 0
Yi Lu - 3.29 & HAO GAO - 3.29 0 - 1
Yi Lu - 3.29 & Bingrui Li - 3.00 0 - 1
Yi Lu - 3.29 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 0 - 1
Huan Zhao - 3.10 & Tian Xia - 3.30 0 - 1
Huan Zhao - 3.10 & xi ye - 3.06 0 - 1 0 - 1
Huan Zhao - 3.10 & Jiasen He - 2.96 1 - 0
Huan Zhao - 3.10 & HAO GAO - 3.29 0 - 1
Huan Zhao - 3.10 & Bingrui Li - 3.00 0 - 1
Huan Zhao - 3.10 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 1 - 0
Tian Xia - 3.30 & xi ye - 3.06 1 - 0
Tian Xia - 3.30 & Zehan Li - 3.07 0 - 1
Tian Xia - 3.30 & Jiasen He - 2.96 1 - 0
Tian Xia - 3.30 & HAO GAO - 3.29 0 - 1
Tian Xia - 3.30 & Bingrui Li - 3.00 0 - 1
Tian Xia - 3.30 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 1 - 0
xi ye - 3.06 & Zehan Li - 3.07 1 - 0
xi ye - 3.06 & Jiasen He - 2.96 0 - 1
xi ye - 3.06 & HAO GAO - 3.29 1 - 0
xi ye - 3.06 & Bingrui Li - 3.00 0 - 1
xi ye - 3.06 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 1 - 0
Zehan Li - 3.07 & Jiasen He - 2.96 0 - 1 0 - 1
Zehan Li - 3.07 & HAO GAO - 3.29 0 - 1
Zehan Li - 3.07 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 0 - 1
Jiasen He - 2.96 & HAO GAO - 3.29 0 - 1
Jiasen He - 2.96 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 1 - 1
HAO GAO - 3.29 & Bingrui Li - 3.00 0 - 1 1 - 0
HAO GAO - 3.29 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 1 - 0
Bingrui Li - 3.00 & GAN SHEN - 3.05 1 - 0
HFTC - Pretty Boys
League Record: 0 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Thomas Weaver - 3.38
Max Olsen - 3.34
Perry Cooper - 3.19
John Busby - 3.06
Uvaldo Resendez - 2.94
George Bailey IV - 2.93
Johnny Enciso - 2.85
son han - 2.83
Christopher Williams - n/a
Brandon Bibby - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D 4D
John Busby - 3.06 & Thomas Weaver - 3.38 1 - 4
John Busby - 3.06 & Max Olsen - 3.34 0 - 1
John Busby - 3.06 & George Bailey IV - 2.93 0 - 1
Thomas Weaver - 3.38 & Max Olsen - 3.34 1 - 0
Thomas Weaver - 3.38 & Johnny Enciso - 2.85 0 - 1
Max Olsen - 3.34 & Perry Cooper - 3.19 1 - 0
Max Olsen - 3.34 & George Bailey IV - 2.93 0 - 2
Perry Cooper - 3.19 & George Bailey IV - 2.93 0 - 1
Perry Cooper - 3.19 & ALEXANDER SMITH - 2.97 0 - 1 0 - 1
Christopher Williams - n/a & son han - 2.83 0 - 1
Christopher Williams - n/a & Johnny Enciso - 2.85 0 - 1
George Bailey IV - 2.93 & Brandon Bibby - n/a 0 - 1
Brandon Bibby - n/a & ALEXANDER SMITH - 2.97 0 - 1
son han - 2.83 & Uvaldo Resendez - 2.94 0 - 1 0 - 2
ALEXANDER SMITH - 2.97 & Johnny Enciso - 2.85 0 - 1 1 - 1
Uvaldo Resendez - 2.94 & Johnny Enciso - 2.85 0 - 1